Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Tauranga City Council have analysed public feedback received regarding the long-term transport improvements around the Tauriko West area and the plans for the new community.
The focus of this stage of engagement was to involve project partners, landowners, stakeholders and the community in the planning phase. We sought to provide people across Tauranga, and in particular in the Tauriko area, with an opportunity to give us their views on the plans for improvements to the transport system and the future community.
The type of feedback we received shows that we are on the right track with the plans to improve the transport network and for the new community.

WE Received feedback on:
- the long-term transport options for the area around SH29 (from Omanawa Road to the Takitimu Drive Toll Road roundabout) and continuing on SH29A to the Barkes Corner intersection, including a more connected walking, cycling and public transport network
- the proposed short-term enabling transport works (next two to three years) to enable housing development in the proposed new community at Tauriko West
- what the new community at Tauriko West could look like and what the area would provide for.
People’s feedback revolved around six key themes:

Find out what people said about these topics in the engagement summary.
Next steps
The project team is now working to develop a more detailed plan for the long-term (10 plus years) improvements and people will have an opportunity to provide feedback in mid-2022. The team is also working towards confirming the implementation of the enabling works. We anticipate that we will be able to provide further information on this in mid-2022.
In the meantime, if there’s any feedback you’d like to pass on, please contact us through the online form on www.taurikofortomorrow.co.nz or email us at info@taurikofortomorrow.co.nz.